Friday, March 18, 2011

Illustration Friday - Cultivate

Dry Creek Vinyard by danguerra444
Dry Creek Vinyard a photo by danguerra444 on Flickr.

Grapes are cultivated in the Sonoma and Napa Valleys, one of my favorite places on Earth.


  1. Wonderful piece... Can feel the warmth as spring ventures forth in you piece.

  2. Are those grapes? What's supporting them? (Perhaps wires or posts I can't see?) I've never been to Sonoma or Napa valleys, and this doesn't look like a midwestern vineyard at all. But I love the painting--the clarity and light of it. I can feel the warm dry air and sunlight.

  3. Awesome composition on this...spectacular rendering

  4. Thanks for your comments! Yes the grapevines are supported on posts. This is from a photo I took at Dry Creek vinyard near Healdsburg, CA.

  5. I LOVE IT DAN! My most favorite painting of yours!
